About VoteGPS
VoteGPS™ helps a voter find his voting place using the latest information from official government websites. Because our programs locate
information from a multitude of government sources, we also report occurrences of inconsistent, false, and incomplete information found on those sites.
"Where do I go to vote?" is a simple question whose answer can be surprisingly hard to find.
Even after searching online for quite some time, a voter
may still not find her voting place, or worse, may find information that leads her to the wrong place.
Offline leaflets, letters and robocalls provide misinformation about polling places
to reportedly tens of thousands of voters during national elections, primaries and caucuses in the United States.
Online websites, friend networks and tweets harbor new ways to promote voting misinformation.
VoteGPS aims to help curb this problem by providing voters with reliable information about where to go to vote.
VoteGPS™ is a student project at Harvard University and is supported in part by the
Technology Science Research Collaboration Network.
Professor Latanya Sweeney leads the effort.
Ji Su Yoo is the primary contact.
If you have a suggestion or corrections, contact us at